
World Wide Fund of Nature...WWF stamps from Various Countries

Sejarah WWF

Logo WWF
WWF - The Conservation Organization (WWF - Organisasi Perlindungan) dulunya bernama World Wildlife Fund dan kini menjadi Worldwide Fund for Nature, didirikan pada 1 September 1961 oleh beberapa orang, di antaranya ahli biologi Sir Julian Huxley, Pangeran Bernhard dari Belanda, Max Nicholson dan naturalis dan pelukis Sir Peter Scott yang mendesain logo panda hitam-putihnya. WWF adalah salah satu organisasi lingkungan terbesar di dunia. Ia mempunyai 28 organisasi nasional dan kantor pusatnya berada di Gland, Swiss.
Dalam sejarahnya, beberapa penyumbang terbesarnya termasuk Chevron dan Exxon (masing-masing lebih dari US$50.000 pada 1988), Philip Morris, Mobil, dan Morgan Guaranty Trust.
Tokoh WWF yang paling terkenal adalah YM Pangeran Philip. Philip adalah Presiden pertama WWF-Britania sejak pendiriannya pada tahun 1961 hingga 1982, Presiden Internasional WWF (1981-1996), dan kini President Emeritus.
Mereka mendukung Protokol Kyoto dan tetap pada pendiriannya bahwa pihak-pihak pemerintah perlu memperkuat usahanya dalam melawan pemanasan global.
Mereka juga bertujuan:
  • melindungi keaneka ragaman genetis, spesies dan ekosistem
  • menjaga bahwa penggunaan sumber daya alam dapat ditahan untuk jangka waktu yang lama demi keuntungan semua kehidupan di Bumi
  • mengurangi polusi dan konsumsi yang tidak berguna hingga sekecil-kecilnya.

Presiden WWF

H.R.H. Prince Bernhard

HRH Prince Philipp and HRH Prince Bernhard (right) at the launching of WWF-US in 1962.


Known as the "Flying Prince of Conservation", HRH Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands is the Founding President of WWF, a position he held from 1962 to 1976.

His Royal Highness also established the endowment fund The 1001: A Nature Trust in 1971, and continued to be deeply involved in WWF and its activities throughout the subsequent years. Prince Bernhard died in 2004 at the age of 93.

John H. Loudon


Better known as "the Grand Old Man of Shell", John H. Loudon, a Dutchman, headed Royal Dutch Shell from 1951 to 1965. The son of former Shell Board President, Hugo Loudon, he joined the company in 1930, when he went to work in the Lake Maracaibo oilfields of Venezuela.

He was President of WWF from 1976 to 1981, and also a member of The 1001. John H. Loudon died in 1996 at the age of 90.

H.R.H. The Duke of Edinburgh


HRH The Duke of Edinburgh served as International President of WWF for 16 years until his retirement at the end of 1996, but his continuous involvement with the organization goes back to its foundation in 1961 when he was appointed President of WWF-UK. Now, as President Emeritus, he still works actively on behalf of the organization.

During these 40 years His Royal Highness' contribution to the organization has been inestimable - visiting WWF projects in over fifty countries on five continents, promoting conservation issues at the highest governmental and corporate levels and helping with fundraising and awareness promotion.

Syed Babar Ali


Babar Ali is a Pakistani national and was Managing Director of Packages Ltd. in Lahore from 1955-1973 and later became Minister of Finance, Economic Affairs & Planning. Babar Ali was first elected as a Trustee of WWF International in 1973.

He also served as Chairman of both the WWF International Advisory Council and the WWF Conservation Committee (later the Programme Committee), and was appointed Vice-President and Honorary Treasurer, before being elected President in 1996 to succeed HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. He retired as President of WWF International at the end of 1999 and is now WWF Vice-President Emeritus. 

Prof. R.F.M. "Ruud" Lubbers


Ruud Lubbers served three terms as Prime Minister of the Netherlands between 1982 and 1994, thus becoming the longest serving Dutch Prime Minister. A graduate of the Netherlands School of Economics, his political career began in 1973 when he joined the Den Uyl government as Minister for Economic Affairs.

He continued in Parliament as Senior Deputy Leader, and later Parliamentary Leader of the Christian Democratic Alliance. He became President of WWF International on 1 January 2000, but only served for one year as he was appointed United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees from 2001-2005.

The Hon. Mrs Sara Morrison


Sara Morrison is a former Director of GEC and a non-Executive Directer of Carlton Television Ltd. and Kleinwort Charter Investment Trust PLC. She is a member of the UK Round Table for Sustainable Development, and sits on the Council of the Family Policy Studies Centre.

On 1 January 1998 Mrs Morrison became Chairperson of WWF-UK and was elected to the Board of WWF International. She was elected Vice-President of WWF International in November 2000 and served as Acting President in 2001. She is now Trustee Emeritus of WWF-UK and Vice President Emeritus of WWF International

H.E. Chief Emeka Anyaoku


His Excellency Chief Eleazar Chukwuemeka Anyaoku was elected 3rd  Secretary-General of the Commonwealth by Heads of Government in 1989, serving 2 consecutive terms from 1990 to 2000.

A Nigerian national, born at Obosi, he studied Classics at University College, Ibadan, and graduated in 1959 with a London University Honours Degree as a College Scholar. After 2 years with the Commonwealth Development Corporation, and 4 years in the Nigerian Foreign Service, including a period at the United Nations, he joined the Commonwealth Secretariat in 1966. Aside from a short term as Nigerian Foreign Minister in 1983, Chief Anyaoku spent 34 years with the Commonwealth and held the positions of Director for International Affairs, Assistant Secretary-General and Deputy Secretary-General.

Chief Anyaoku has also been a member of the International Board of the United World Colleges and the Governing Council of the International Institute for Strategic Studies in London, the Malaysian Commonwealth Studies Centre at Cambridge and the World Commission on Forestry.
He has also been President of The Royal Commonwealth Society , The Royal African Society, and Trustee of the British Museum, UK.

Yolanda Kakabadse

2010- present

Yolanda Kakabadse is Chair of the Advisory Board of Fundacion Futuro Latinoamericano, a regional NGO dedicated to conflict management in Latin America.

Ms Kakabadse is a member of the Board of Directors of the Ford Foundation, and the InterAmerican Dialogue.

She is also a member of the Environmental Advisory Board of CocaCola and the Holcim Foundation, and between 1998 and 2000 was the Minister of Environment for Ecuador.

In 1992 she coordinated civil society participation in the Earth Summit and from 1996-2004 she was President of IUCN – The World Conservation Union.

Ms Kakabadse has received numerous honorary orders and awards, including
  • the “Golden Ark Order” (1991)
  • the “Global 500 Award” of UNEP (1992)
  • Zayed Prize (2001) and
  • a Doctor in Science (ScD) Honoris Causa from the University of East Anglia (2008)

Sejarah sebuah organisasi konservasi global lingkungan
Dalam hampir 5 dekade, WWF (sebelumnya dikenal sebagai World Wildlife Fund) telah menjadi salah satu organisasi terbesar dan paling dihormati di dunia konservasi independen.Ini memiliki lebih dari 5 juta pendukung di seluruh 5 benua, dan proyek aktif menjalankan di lebih dari 100 negara.
Dan sejak tahun 1985, organisasi tersebut telah menginvestasikan lebih dari US $ 1 miliar di lebih dari 12.000 proyek.
Semua proyek dan kegiatan yang berperan dalam kampanye untuk menghentikan degradasi lingkungan alam mempercepat bumi, dan untuk membantu penduduk manusia hidup dalam harmoni yang lebih besar dengan alam.
Bagian ini menjelaskan bagaimana organisasi yang tumbuh dari sekelompok kecil penggemar satwa liar yang dilakukan ke jaringan global, didukung oleh orang-orang dari semua lapisan masyarakat, yang, seperti WWF, peduli terhadap kesejahteraan dan masa depan planet kita satu-satunya.